DIGITAL POWER: Activism, Advocacy and the Influence of Women Online will focus on the work of women: digital artists, storytellers, designers, gamers, film/video makers and other visionary digital content providers in an exhibition that inspires, empowers, and supports women. The online exhibition is curated by Kathy Rae Huffman, curator of the 2015 DAC online exhibition “Enhanced Vision: Digital Video.” DIGITAL POWER is a project of the ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community, and is scheduled to premiere at the annual SIGGRAPH conference, 19-23 July 2020 in Washington D.C.
Der Netzpolitische Abend AT (#NetzPAT) machte am 3. Oktober 2019 in Kooperation mit einen Ausflug nach Linz. Die Audio-Mitschnitte des 39. NetzpAT in Linz sind ab sofort online: Hier gehts zur ungeschnittenen Fassung bzw. zur Radiofassung.
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