
"Intellectualism Doesn‘t Have To Imply Depression" - Versorgerin #131

"Wenn dein Bewusstseinsstrom zu einem Medienstrom in deinen verschiedenen Profilen wird, wie viel von "dir" hast du mit Ideen konstruiert, die dir gegeben wurden?"

Die aktuelle Ausgabe des Versorgerin ist erschienen! Für die Rubrik hat Onur Olgaç einige Gedanken zur letzten Ausgabe der Transmediale gesammelt.

Das kannst du hier online lesen! (Artikel auf Englisch)

"Intellectualism Doesn‘t Have To Imply Depression" - Versorgerin #131

"When your stream of consciousness becomes a stream of media in your various profiles, how much of »you« did you construct with ideas that were given to you?"

The current issue of the Versorgerin is out! For the column, Onur Olgaç collected some thoughts on the last edition of Transmediale.

You can read this online here!

servus Newsletter Februar 2019

Linda Kronman, Andreas Zingerle (KairUs): The Internet of Other People's Things

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Wir haben bald wieder eine Veranstaltung zum Thema Blockchain und Weiteres für dich:

  • How Blockchains really work + X–Givecoin release! - 26. Februar, Clubraum
  • Save the date: 27. – 30. März 2019 - LINZ FMR 19, Donaulände, Linz
  • NEW servus Publication - "The Internet of Other People’s Things"
  • Wettbewerb "Mit Innovation die Stadt verbessern" - Einreichschluss 1. März
  • ISPA Broschüre "Technischer Kinderschutz im Internet"

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The Internet of Other People's Things

Linda Kronman, Andreas Zingerle (KairUs): The Internet of Other People's Things

The Internet of Things (IoT), smart city initiatives, and smart home technology are marketed to us as sleek and glamorous 3D renderings promising a convenient and sustainable technology that will save us and our planet from a future of environmental distress. Yet the buzzword bingo of smart city rhetoric, the polished advertisements for networked devices, and the glossy packaging of smart home devices are in stark contrast to the news and research which investigates the vulnerabilities of our connected lives.

The Internet of Other People's Things

Linda Kronman, Andreas Zingerle (KairUs): The Internet of Other People's Things

The Internet of Things (IoT), smart city initiatives, and smart home technology are marketed to us as sleek and glamorous 3D renderings promising a convenient and sustainable technology that will save us and our planet from a future of environmental distress. Yet the buzzword bingo of smart city rhetoric, the polished advertisements for networked devices, and the glossy packaging of smart home devices are in stark contrast to the news and research which investigates the vulnerabilities of our connected lives.


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