
Artists Running Data Centers (Publication Release!)

ARDC publication first page

Dear community and friends! 

We are very excited to announce the launch of our new publication "Artists Running Data Centers", part of our ongoing larger project Re: ARDC (Rethinking Artist Run Data Center). This special publication is a collection of stories, anecdotes and a bit of history, compiled after a series of interviews with people in our community. If you want to learn more about autonomous infrastructures, self-hosting and a series of experimental instance projects that have been realised over the years within our server cluster, then come and celebrate with us on Tuesday, 17th December at 19:00 in the Clubraum and of course grab a copy!

Extraordinary General Assembly 2024

Tue, 17/12/2024 - 18:00 to 19:00

To make deductibility of donations for possible we reviewed our Association’s Constitution (Statuten) and other few minor changes that need to be approved.
We are calling for a Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on 17.12.2024. You find the new text and one where changes are marked here:

⊨> Place of meeting: 17.12.2024 at 18:00, in clubraum, in STWST (Kirchengasse 4, 4040 Linz on the 1st floor).


  •     Opening and welcome
  •     Determination of the quorum
  •     Reading of the agenda, approval of eventual points to be discussed at "Allfälliges".
  •     Resolution on new articles of association ->
  •     "Allfälliges". Any other matters

Touching Thoughts @ Ars Electronica Festival 2024

Touching Thoughts is an artistic-scientific project that was presented during the last Ars Electronica Festival 2024. The project is the result of a collaboration between and the JKU's Medical Faculty, which aims at exploring protocols and modes of three-dimensional imaging in the field of digital pathology and bring together researchers, scientists and media artists.