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8-11th May 2024

Festival dedicated to Art, Hacktivism and Open Culture

AMRO, Art Meets Radical Openness, is a biennial festival for art, hacktivism and open cultures, organized since 2008 by servus.at in cooperation with the Linz University of Art, Department of Time-Based Media.

The next edition will take place in Linz, AT, from 8th-11th May 2024.

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The servus community consists of a number of art and culture producers, alternative educational institutions, free media, university institutions and NGOs. Many of them are based in Linz & in Upper Austria, where servus operates as a proper cultural backbone for the regional art and culture scene.

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Re:ARDC / map with servus projects, community, amro and infrastructure

Since mid-2023, we at servus have been following a process of evaluation and restructuring called reARDC (rethinking the Artist Run Data Center), the first iteration of which will be released in the fall of 2024.

The process started with the need to update the software that runs our main websites core.servus.at and radical-openness.org, which unsurprisingly opened a pandora's box of questions like "does it still make sense to host our own infrastructure?", "where is the community?" & "why are we still using Drupal?"

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Touching Thoughts is an art-science project, which aims at exploring protocols and modes of three-dimensional imaging in the field of digital pathology and brings together researchers, scientists and media artists. It was initiated by servus.at – Kunst und Kultur im Netz and the JKU’s Medical Faculty (Department of Pathology and Molecular Pathology and Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology of JKU)