About us

servus.at is a non-profit net culture initiative based in Linz. As it mains focus, it deals with the demystification of technology, producing artistic research projects and organizing in cooperation with the Art University Linz the biennial festival "Art Meets Radical Openness". https://radical-openness.org/


  • promotes the use of free open source software
  • explores phenomena of digital culture
  • highlights socio-political implications in dealing with technology
  • deals with central issues of the information society

Data Center

The association operates an independent cultural data center with open source basic services for its members, and is connected to the worldwide network via the ACOnet (Austrian Science Network). Our members include artists and cultural practitioners, alternative educational institutions, independent radio stations, university institutions, NGOs.

With the servus TOOLBOX we provide our members with free open source software tools and trustworthy basic services.
More on our tools at the page https://core.servus.at/en/toolbox/

Our Projects

research & experiment
Experiments and artistic research dealing with technologies form the basis for new socially relevant questions in the digital information age. Contexts and insights are to be made accessible in process-oriented situations, exhibitions and publications.

create & disseminate
The mediation of complex and political contexts in dealing with new media is still one of the greatest challenges we face today. Classical educational offers usually begin and end with the mediation of functionalities without contextualizing them in any way. New forms of knowledge transfer are needed, in which political and socially relevant aspects must not be missing!

network & support
We support projects and contents that deal with alternatives in dealing with technologies, deal with challenges in our digital world or also uncover and deal with social imbalances.

develop & implement
When realizing ideas and using digital tools, we rely without exception on alternatives from the free software community (FLOSS = free/libre Open Source Software). We support and promote the associated principles of the free software movement.

Go to the project archive: https://core.servus.at/en/servus-archive/2023