YOUR Out of Office/Vacation Note!

As we're in the midst of summer, we wanted to provide you with some brief information about setting up vacation/out of office notes in your Mailaccounts via

Vacation Reply Interval: When setting up your vacation note, you'll find an option under "Advanced Settings" labeled "Number of days between vacation replies," which is set to 7 days by default. This means that after the first email, the sender will receive your vacation notice, but no further notices will be sent for any subsequent emails from the same sender for 7 days. You can adjust this interval, but please avoid setting it to 0, as this may cause unintended behavior.

Issue with Gmail Users: We’ve been informed that there may be an issue with vacation notes not being received by Gmail users. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and want to assure you that we're actively looking into it.

Wishing you a wonderful summer!

The servus team.