Platform Workshippers


The Platform Workshippers is the 3rd project created by S()fia Braga as a result of her research within the Research Lab 2023 and it was presented during BestOFF 2023 at the University of Arts Linz. It consists of 2 prints on metal plates: the Platform Workshippers  and a Glossary, where the different Workshipper-users are described. Inspired by the Kabbalah's Tree of Life, the new types of work/trends are placed on a diagram, which in this case represents the different emanations of the current work-reality, which are both creation and vital part of social media platforms. The term Workshippers is a neologism that comes from the combination of the words "worship" and "work". By creating this term, S()fia Braga wants to highlight "how, within the platform, the boundary between one's private and professional life becomes completely blurred, triggering new forms of exploitation and precariousness". It is part of her wider research on topics such as participatory control (interveillance), emerging forms of free labour and strategies for carefully positioning oneself between visibility and deception.