8M in the STWST + Counter Cloud Clinic

Slogans gleaned, borrowed and iterated from various sources and situations

servus joins the Program of the International Women’s day in Linz:
16:30: Meeting point Musiktheater / Volksgarten Linz >>> Route via Landstrasse >>> 17:00-18:00: Final rally Hauptplatz Linz
-> https://fiftitu.at/kooperation/demonstration-zum-frauenkampftag-am-8-mae...

After 19:00 we'll also offer our Counter Cloud Clinic in the clubraum. We’ll offer you support in re-structuring the digital extensions of you and your organization and liberate them from the Big Tech Cloud!

Streikaufruf am 8 March! ✨

Counter Cloud Action Sticker https://git.diagram.institute/davidbenque/Counter-Cloud-Stickers

servus.at lädt ein zum Internationaler trans★feministischer Streik gegen digitale Ausbeutung.

Am 8. März 2023 rufen wir zum Aktionstag gegen die Cloud auf!

An diesem Tag werden wir versuchen, die Cloud der Big Tech Unternehmen nicht zu verwenden, sie nicht zu füttern und nicht zu versorgen. Der Streik ruft dazu auf, ausbeuterische digitale Dienste drastisch zu reduzieren und stattdessen eine Fülle kollektiver Organisationsformen zu erzeugen. Wir reihen uns ein in die historischen Traditionen internationaler feministischer Streiks, denn dieser Kampf steht für den Kampf um Arbeit und Versorgung,für Antirassismus,für queeres Leben und für trans★feministische Techno-Politiken.

Aktuelle Info sind am Webring https://core.servus.at/8m/ zu finden.

Call to Strike on 8 March! ✨

Counter Cloud Action Sticker https://git.diagram.institute/davidbenque/Counter-Cloud-Stickers

On 8th of March 2023, we call for a Counter Cloud Action Day.

On this day, we will try to withhold from using, feeding, or caring for The Big Tech Cloud. The strike calls for a hyperscaledown of extractive digital services, and for an abundance of collective organising. We join the long historical tail of international feminist strikes, because we understand this fight to be about labour, care, anti-racism, queer life and trans★feminist techno-politics.

International Trans★Feminist Digital Depletion Strike

 Many slogans, gif animations etc. https://pad.constantvzw.org/p/titipi.stickers      Slogans gleaned, borrowed and iterated from various sources and situations: Lumbung Glossary, Batool Desouky, TITiPI, Other Weapons, Cristina Cochior, Varia, Miranda Mos

servus.at is part of the network of initiatives that call for the International Trans ★ Feminist Digital Depletion Strike. The initiatives is launched by The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (TITiPI) https://titipi.org/8m/ and supported by many who call for attentions on the dynamics of dependency and exploitation in the cloud. The network takes a position to support the Trans ★ Feminist struggles and contextualises in it the need to change the current commercial cloud, into a feminist, anti-racist and anti capitalist shape.

International Trans★Feminist Digital Depletion Strike: https://core.servus.at/8m/


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