As part of the ReARDC project, we are launching a member survey to document our projects and collaborations, and to give more space to our community of members and their practices. We are currently developing a website that visualizes the galaxy of artists, projects, associations, cultural workers that make up the servus.at community - and to fill it out we have a survey.
Please take some time to fill out our member survey within the next 6 weeks: https://umfrage.servus.at/index.php/356976
Deadline is September 15th, but early birds are very helpful!
In the survey, we ask you to provide information about your practice, your projects, and some keywords that describe your activities. This will be added to the database for a *mysterious, but we assure you very promising* membership card!
And since we already have your attention, we will take this opportunity to ask you a few more questions about how you see yourself in the servus community. This will give us a basis on how to continue the ReARDC project and will also give us some general feedback on what we are doing.
We thank you in advance for your time and look forward to hearing your thoughts.
PS: Important note if you are part of an association, group or collective: we will only consider one response for the member visualization, so ideally discuss it together. You are also welcome to respond individually to the sections about what is important to you in the servus galaxy.