The Noise Meetup is a regular meeting place for the noise community in Linz, organised by Mascha Illich and Sophie Adelt, supported by servus.at and STWST.
The first workshop for 2024 will be about sound synthesis with Pure Data (open source software) by Ben Wesch on 9.3.2024, at 2pm in STWST/servus.at
During the Workshop, Ben Wesch will:
1. give a short impression and examples of Pd‘s capabilities (embedded devices, complex composition and sound design/physical modelling/AI)
2. provide a basic intro and then
3. spend the main part on building a simple, but complex-sounding synth with each participant.
* Pure Data zero crossing grain module demo:
* Shader + Pure Data Perlin noise granulation demo:
Cost of the workshop: 30 EUR.
Registrations : noiselab.linz@gmail.com
More info: https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/noise_meetup_workshops_2024
*Subscribe to the newsletter noisemeetup@servus.at and stay up-to-date with the next events/workshops!