A field trip to the production facilities of the cloud
Date: 26.10.2019
Time: 11.00-18.30
Location: servus.at, Clubraum, c/o Stadtwerkstatt, Kirchengasse 4, 4040 Linz
Sign up until 21.10.2019: eco@servus.at
Contribution: 10 Euro (incl. transport and food)
Number of participants: 20
Language: English
Please bring sturdy shoes and warm clothes
More info: core.servus.at
The field trip takes place on the Austrian National Day and will take us to different production stages of the cloud, a global network of servers. Water plays an essential role in the formation of meteorological clouds and "data clouds". We will approach clouds in their different stages - before, after and in the middle of their formation. Therefore we visit locations in the area around Linz. For the observation of these clouds, the software engineer interaction designer and gender/bio hacker Beka Iglesias will present different DIY sampling methods usually applied to test pollution levels in rivers.
The guided tour is organized by servus.at and is part of this year's AMRO Research Lab, in which Christina Gruber, Antonio Zingaro and Davide Bevilacqua deal with the physical interweaving of internet infrastructure and natural environments. We are working on "greenwashed" environmental-friendly propaganda used by corporations to augment profits and on the ways one could re-think the balance between energy production (from natural sources) and landscape exploitation of the digital infrastructure.
About Calafou and the Rienda Anoia Project
Calafou as it is today is the result of ideas, passions, experiences and visions developed through a long time. An artifact that brings the future, a machine that generates paths and collective identities. A complex organism and hybrid made of multiples subjectivities that cooperate to build a reality of life based on the codes we chose, that belong to us and that we share. At last, a set of infrastructures that aims to remediate the lack of technological sovereignty we endure and which aims to make us dependent on the financial-industrial-cognitive empire. That is why we are strongly motivated to share the primary basis of our activities: the creation of collective knowledge. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that it is a very young project (from 2011), and as they say, there is a lot more to do.
Riendo Anoia is a project that tries to know, respect and contribute to regenerate our Anoia river and our whole ecosystem. We use a combination of techniques and methodologies for it: systematic observation, DIY tools, subjective and poetic observation, specific analyses in specialized laboratories and ethical algorithms to process and divulge the data.
Beka Iglesias
Software engineer and interaction designer. Gender/Bio hacker. I love the daily life hacking as way to generate social transformation. I am an explorer of live synesthesia through body and technology in a real-time posthuman environment. A lover of free and autonomous technologies and DIY/DIT methodologies. Someone who thinks myself like a node in a cyborg mesh, involved in multiple synergies and symbiosis in the interstices between art, technology, science and nature/society.