TNC17 - The Art of Creative Networking
The TNC17 Networking Conference is the largest and most prestigious European research networking conference, with more than 650 participants attending this annual event. TNC brings together decision makers, managers, networking and collaboration specialists, and identity and access management experts from all major European networking and research organisations, universities, worldwide sister institutions, as well as industry representatives.
Through keynotes speeches by renowned specialists, varying parallel sessions, demonstrations and presentations, the Conference presents participants with a unique overview of the latest developments in research networking, both in the technical field and in the area of application and management.
TNC17, its 33nd edition, will be hosted by the Austrian Academic Computer Network (ACOnet), the Austrian National research and education network (NREN) for science, research, education, and culture. The conference will be held in the picturesque, UNESCO City of Media Arts of Linz, Austria between 29 May - 2 June 2017.
TNC17-Nightline @ Stadtwerkstatt
Stadtwerkstatt (STWST) is a cultural center in Linz, which was founded as an artists’ collective in 1979. As an early adopter in the context of new media it has a history of meaningful projects since the 80s. Today Stadtwerkstatt houses three initiatives that emerged from that time period. Each initiative has developed its own “hands on” approach over the years. The cultural center includes the initiative F6, which consists of four departments (New Art Contexts, Discursive Media, Club Culture, Cafe Strom). The initiative servus.at runs its own cultural data center, produces and features art dedicated to hacktivism, open culture and critical engineering – and has been a member of ACOnet (Austrian Academic Computer Network) for many years. Radio FRO, the community radio, provides infrastructure for producing and broadcasting radio programs by and for civil society. Together with other community radios in Austria, Radio FRO runs an Austrian-wide archive of radio shows from community radios. As a greater collective of all resident initiatives, Stadtwerkstatt operates as a networked society that does not tire of questioning the current situation of networked disasters by experimenting with and for alternatives.
For the TNC17 Stadtwerkstatt opens its doors. Conference guests will have an opportunity to catch the spirit of the cultural center and of past and current projects, followed by a nightline program featuring associated artists.
TNC17 – Nightline
Yen Tzu Chang - "The Old Friends"
Yen Tzu Chang is an artist with abundant experience in transferring ideas related to her memory and critical issues into artworks. She has given performances and exhibited at many international conferences and festivals, such as Ars Electronica Festival, roBOt 08 Festival, Linux Audio Conference, ISEA or Digital Design Weekend in London.Yen Tzu Chang had a hobby, which was to collect toys when she was a child. Rather than plastic dolls and robots, she only preferred stuffed toys which can reduce her anxiety. The more stuffed toys she collected, the more secure she felt. To investigate this past, she brings out the old stuffed toys to current life in her performance "The Old Friends". An instrument is heaped up with memories. It is also a medium to reconstruct the childhood. What she used to do with these old friends - talking, singing, dubbing, touching, squeezing, are represented in the electronic instrument as a performance.
Web: http://www.changyentzu.com
Julia del Río - "Communication Noise"
Julia del Río explores diverse artistic strategies for interaction within electromagnetic fields, especially in sound performance. Her concerts translate us sonically the invisible world of interference and magnetism without musical compromises. Sound is here always result of an interchange and of various acts of digital communication. She will present the work „Communication Noise“, a participatory audio-visual performance where the artist sonifies the electromagnetic waste produced by textual conversations with her audience.
Enrique Tomás - "Ultranoise"
Enrique Tomás is a sound artist and researcher who dedicates his time to finding new ways of expression and play with sound, art and technology. His work explores the intersection between sound art, computer music, locative media and human-machine interaction. He has exhibited and performed throughout Europe and America at the spaces of Ars Electronica, Sónar, STEIM, IRCAM, CTM, etc. Tomás is also an active researcher on the field of new interfaces for musical expression. He is affiliated to the Interface Cultures department of the University of Art and Design of Linz, and his research has been presented at international peer-reviewed conferences like NIME, ICMC, SMC, TEI and TENOR. His artistic work has been supported and awarded with scholarships by Telefónica Vida, Phonos Foundation, the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna, CTM, and the Art Council of Madrid.
Jens Vetter - "Kanalkapazität"
Jens Vetter is a German artist, active in the field of sound-art, interactive sound-objects, stage-performances with musical and non-musical tools. His artistic practice is driven by curiosity for social dynamics, inconveniences as liberation, exaltation of details and displacement as method. He uses different tools and media to convey his ideas, which reflects his interest in tools themselves as well as their technical or conceptional potential or limitations. His latest works include installations, stage-performances and algorithmic composition shown in Ars Electronica Festival, Kiblix Festival and Gallery Memphis Linz. His recent projects are dealing with concepts such as observation and saturation in the context of sound research.
Interface Fractures IV (feat. Maja Delak)
Interface Fractures is a series of audiovisual explorations Luka Prinčič has been developing in collaboration with the Slovenian Cinematheque since 2013. The series’ cinema-sound episodes share the same method and format: an immersive situation in the darkness of the cinema, the use of digital and open source tools for generating image and sound, a dichotomy between fixed composition and improvisation in time, a tendency for abstraction out of which fragments of the concrete arise, and playing with the synchronisation of sound and image. Although the creation process includes an examination of the contemporary human condition, conventional narration is not so important in the created performances and remains in the background. Interface Fractures is thus a fragmented excursion into abstract sound and the moving picture. Their synthetic integration emerges from the process of searching for fractures and subjectivities in a seeming impenetrability of polished and polarised interfaces – mediated, inter-machinic, interhuman.
Maja Delak is a contemporary dance performer, choreographer, pedagogue, sound explorer and vocalist who has directed, performed and co-created more than 30 diverse works for stage. She is the founder and directress of Emanat Institute.
Luka Prinčič is a musician, sound designer and media artist. He has been writing music, creating sound art, performing, and manipulating new media in various ways since mid-’90s. He specialises in computer music, elaborated funk beats, immersive soundscapes, incidental music for live arts & video, and digital media experiments. He currently works at Emanat Institue and runs Kamizdat, music label for adventurous music, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Maja Delak is a contemporary dance performer, choreographer, pedagogue, sound explorer and vocalist who has directed, performed and co-created more than 30 diverse works for stage. She is the founder and directress of Emanat Institute.
The Smiling Buddhas
The Smiling Buddhas float easily between Ambient, Illbient and morphed Techno structures. They create aural travelogues from their extensive travels to create audible spaces for lucid daydreams. After the spiritual insight into the hidden kingdom of Lo in Mustang, Nepal ("Lo", base 2008) the Buddhas traveled and hiked through the Atacama desert in Chile and Peru (Atacama", base 2012). "The Alps" (base, 2013) is a retrospective view to their days of child- and boyhood in the Austrian Alps. "Latium" (base 2014) is their latest aural roadmovie telling bizarre stories from the beautiful region around Rome. 2015 the Buddhas partied all night long in great cities like Amsterdam, Rome or Paris ("All-Nighter", base 2015) and invited you to cruise with them early in the morning through Hong Kong ("Homekong", base 2015). 2016 they celebrated the mircacles of "Alpine Rose" (Alpine Rec.) aka Almrausch.
Live TSB create hudge sonic sculptures with sounds from their travels and pump them up with pounding techno beats to make you dance.