Tue, 17/12/2024 - 18:00 to 19:00
To make deductibility of donations for servus.at possible we reviewed our Association’s Constitution (Statuten) and other few minor changes that need to be approved.
We are calling for a Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting on 17.12.2024. You find the new text and one where changes are marked here: https://publications.servus.at/Statuten-2024/
⊨> Place of meeting: 17.12.2024 at 18:00, in servus.at clubraum, in STWST (Kirchengasse 4, 4040 Linz on the 1st floor).
- Opening and welcome
- Determination of the quorum
- Reading of the agenda, approval of eventual points to be discussed at "Allfälliges".
- Resolution on new articles of association -> https://publications.servus.at/Statuten-2024/
- "Allfälliges". Any other matters