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Touching thoughts

Volumetric visions in digital pathology, neuroscience and media art

Touching Thoughts is an art-science project realized in cooperation between the Department of Pathology and Molecular Pathology and Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology of JKU, and the net culture initiative – Kunst und Kultur im Netz

8-11th May 2024

Festival dedicated to Art, Hacktivism and Open Culture

AMRO, Art Meets Radical Openness, is a biennial festival for art, hacktivism and open cultures, organized since 2008 by in cooperation with the Linz University of Art, Department of Time-Based Media.

The next edition will take place in Linz, AT, from 8th-11th May 2024.


d*sign week
21.-26. November 2023

d*sign week is a format dedicated to experimental and independent design practices. The week program includes talks, workshops, radio broadcasts, presentations about explorative printing, zine making and independent design tools, as well as hybrid forms of publishing on the web, open licenses, copyleft and collective forms of authorship.

The d*sign week 2023 is initiated by the local cultural platforms and Potato Publising and organized in collaboration with Kunstuniversität Linz, departments of Timebased Media & Visual Communication, Radio FRO and Kulturverein zur Schießhalle.


We are all confronted with digital technology on a daily basis. Many people are aware that the use of computers and smartphones in the age of complete networking requires critical behaviour. Nevertheless, many people often lack the means to act and/or detailed technical knowledge about the stumbling blocks that technology entails.
The teaching of technical skills through workshops always takes place in the context of socio-political issues.


Wir alle sind täglich mit digitaler Technik konfrontiert. Vielen ist klar, dass der Umgang mit Computern und Smartphones im Zeitalter des kompletten Vernetztseins kritisches Verhalten erfordert. Trotzdem fehlen vielen Menschen oft Handlungsmöglichkeiten und/oder technisches Detailwissen zu den Stolpersteinen, die der Technikeinsatz mit sich bringt.
Die Vermittlung technischer Fähigkeiten durch Workshops erfolgt dabei immer im Kontext gesellschaftspolitischer Fragestellungen.

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