d*sign week
21.-26. November 2023
The line is shaky and the marker empty; the screen might be cracked and glitchy, but something is taking shape, so we keep exploring… We are interested in printing, distributing & publishing in autonomous ways. Our approach is self-reflective and embedded in the process of creating. We want to appropriate the tools and share our knowledge for common learning.
d*sign week is a format dedicated to experimental and independent design practices. The week program includes talks, workshops, radio broadcasts, presentations about explorative printing, zine making and independent design tools, as well as hybrid forms of publishing on the web, open licenses, copyleft and collective forms of authorship.
The d*sign week 2023 is initiated by the local cultural platforms servus.at and Potato Publising and organized in collaboration with Kunstuniversität Linz, departments of Timebased Media & Visual Communication, Radio FRO and Kulturverein zur Schießhalle.
Program Overview
Opening Dsign(week)
21. November 2023 from 14:00
@Kunstuniversität Linz, Audimax, Domgasse 1, 1.floor, 4020 Linz
Exploration into the Open: Transforming the Design Process
Marianne Lechner & Students of MA Visual Communication
Opening Tools Symposium
Carlo Milani – Convivial Technologies (Online)
Onur Olgac – Emancipation 101 for designers: can design be apolitical?
Helena Schmidt – Finding Tools
Joseph Knierzinger & Simon Repp – «To change the rules, change the tools?»
Lucile Haute – Using web tools for print graphic design
Silvio Lorusso – What design can't do: Design & Disillusion (Online)
Workshop Program
22–26 November
@Kulturverein zur Schießhalle, Waldeggstraße 116, 4020 Linz
22 November, from 17:00 / Workshop Cyberwitches & Risomittwoch
23 November, from 17:00 / Cyberwitches & Glyphdrawing
24 November, from 14:00 / Collective Archives, Digital Equipment for Inclusive Empowerment, Workshops + Concerts in collabration with qujOchÖ
25 November / from 11am / Independent publishing, Experiments, Showcases, & Prompt Battle
26 November / from 11am / Zine Brunch, Self-Organized Print Workshops, & Political Posters
22–26 November
Daily at 17:00 on Radio Fro
Conversations on Dsign / curated by Gabriela Gordillo